Category: Preparing your visit

The company is not qualified to judge the physical condition and fitness of passengers for the flight. If in doubt, we advise you to seek advice from the appropriate person (e.g. your doctor). You cannot fly if you have a serious medical condition or have recently undergone surgery.
You may be asked for a medical certificate certifying your fitness to fly.

People with disabilities must be accompanied.

The hot-air balloons are not equipped with doors, they cannot accommodate wheelchair users. The gondolas are not equipped with seats.

The following persons are not allowed to fly:

  • pregnant women;
  • children under 6 years old and less than 1.20m tall;
  • passengers weighing more than 120kg;

Overweight passengers may be required to take a morning flight, as for safety reasons the composition of the crew depends on various strict and predefined factors, such as the total weight on board depending on the outside temperature.

Similarly, older passengers, including those with a medical certificate, will be advised to take a morning flight, where the landing is generally quieter than on an evening flight.